“Is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, or a device. The purpose of massage is generally for the treatment of body stress or pain“

Massage Add-Ons
Massage & Facial Packages

Custom Healing Massage
Get relief from stress, discomfort pain, or more from this massage. Various techniques are used to increase circulation and flexibility, soothe tense muscles, and de-stress from your neck to your back or even your feet. Each massage is tailored to your individual needs, problem areas, and goals making this massage perfect for everyone. Pressure can range from light with heavier focus work around one area to an all over deep tissue massage. Whether you have chronic headaches, tight shoulders from working at a computer, injuries from being a weekend warrior, or just need relaxation – let our massage therapist help you alleviate your tight, sore muscles today!

Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage
Ashiatsu, called “the deepest most luxurious massage on the planet!” is a deep, compression massage done with the power of the therapist’s feet and body weight to work the deeper muscle layers. Overhead bars are used for balance and to support some of the therapist’s weight when necessary. While beneficial for all ages and size, it is especially suited for people who have thick or well-developed muscles who have trouble feeling the impact of massage given by hand. This service is excellent for athletes, body builders, those who have physically strenuous professions, and those with back, neck, shoulder and/or hip pain issues. Your massage ends with a soothing face and neck massage (with hands of course).

Therapeutic Bodywork
This therapeutic massage assists in calming the nervous system, relieving pain, and increasing flexibility. Lea, a Massage Therapist Instructor, has completed over 470 hours of continued education since 2015. Her expanded technique knowledge allows her the opportunity to use various modalities to achieve the goals of each client. Depending on the needs of each area of the body, she may utilize a combination of techniques such as Ashiatsu, Swedish, Hot stones, Essential oils, Deep Tissue, Stretching, Medical Massage, Cupping, etc… during the appointment at no additional cost to the client.
Trauma Release Therapy
This specialized session teaches the client to deepen their awareness of the bodies FELT senses; thus allowing the body to release traumatic memories from itself. This is NOT a traditional massage, but a form of bodywork that utilizes touch, breathwork, sensation, movement, and play to rewire the bodies neural pathways. It brings the client to a place of actively living IN their body instead of their body being along for the ride and shutting down (numb). Space is held for the client to heal without any judgement. Read More

Prenatal Massage
Massage therapy techniques for the expectant mother. Focus is given to the areas of discomfort due to the pregnancy. Techniques are done using a specialized pregnancy cushion so that you can lie on your stomach comfortably. In most cases massage can be done right up 38 weeks pregnant.

Couples Massage
A couples massage is a wonderfully relaxing, personal experience. During the session, two people receive massages at the same time and in the same room from two different therapists. The therapy provide many of the same benefits as other types of massage but with the enjoyment of friends or family.

Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue and chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and lingering injuries. This technique uses slow, deep guided strokes and firm pressure to break down adhesion’s to relieve pain and restore normal movement. Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to ensure comfort level is maintained.
Oncology / Non-Surgical Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Oncology massage is the adaptation of massage to safely nurture the body, mind and spirit of anyone who is dealing with cancer at any stage. Including those in active treatment, recovery, or survivorship, and those who are undergoing comfort care. Certain massage modifications will remain crucial even decades after treatment is complete. These sessions may help reduce stress, anxiety, pain, nausea, fatigue and many other symptoms related to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Oncology massage should be performed ONLY by a therapist specifically trained to do massage for people living with cancer. I focus on creating a gentle, nurturing environment, as I build a supportive relationship and design a complementary non-invasive session to your wellness.
First time sessions will start with an in-depth cancer history that could take up to 30 minutes. I ask all clients please schedule 90 minutes to allow adequate time for intake and a comforting session. Lea holds an Oncology Massage Certification from Society for Oncology.
See Post Surgical Services for Lymphatic Drainage associated with surgery.

Cupping Massage
While massage works by compressing the muscle tissue, cupping works
by lifting the tissues. The suction used in cupping therapy creates a negative pressure or a decrease in atmospheric pressure that allows tissue to be
lifted upward. This action increases the space between muscles and other structures like nerves and bones
and is thought to release adhesions
in soft tissues (knots), increase circulation of blood and lymph and decrease inflammation.

Lomi Lomi Massage
A traditional healing art of Hawaiians for centuries, assists in maintaining health, a relaxed mind, & a clear heart. Deeply relaxing, it is practiced with long, flowing, firm strokes of the forearms & hands down the body in waves. Nourishing herb infused oils bathe the skin in rich nutrients. Muscles and joints open to receive rich oxygenation. Tightness disappears, pain relieves, and vitality returns. After booking, you’ll be contacted to discuss the session & get verbal confirmation.

Children Massage
Massage has been shown to improve restful sleep, reduce stress, reduce growing pains and address structural muscle tone imbalances. In additional, case studies report the benefits of massage for children include improved concentration, increased focus and decreased aggression. All sessions are performed with a parent or legal guardian in the room at all times under age 16. NO EXCEPTIONS. (age 8 through 15)
Massage Add-Ons
Abdominal Massage +15 minutes
Aromatherapy – Essential oil
Deep Tissue
Hot Stones
Pain Relief Cream
Paraffin Hand Treatment
Reflexology +15 minutes
Sugar Scrub Foot Treatment
Targeted Area +15 min
Warm Hydrating Cocoa Butter oil
Massage /Facial Packages
Massage & Facial
30 min Massage / 30 min Facial
Relax the body and bring that glorious facial glow back all in one session. A relaxing 30 min Custom Healing Massage along with a 30 min Refresh Facial where your face is treated to a cleanse, revitalizing mask, toner, facial massage and moisturizer.
60 min Massage / 30 min Facial
Relax the body and bring that glorious facial glow back all in one session. A relaxing 60 min Custom Healing Massage along with a 30 min Refresh Facial where your face is treated to a cleanse, revitalizing mask, toner, facial massage and moisturizer.
90 min Massage / 30 min Facial
Relax the body and bring that glorious facial glow back all in one session. A relaxing 30 min Custom Healing Massage along with a 30 min Refresh Facial where your face is treated to a cleanse, revitalizing mask, toner, facial massage and moisturizer.
Pamper Me
90 min
Stressed out? Need to relax? Disappear into a world of relaxation starting with a one hour Custom Healing Massage with hot packs introduced to one targeted area followed by a Foot Scrub Treatment. End with a soothing Refresh Facial where your face is treated to a cleanse, revitalizing mask, toner, facial massage and moisturizer.
Indulge Me
120 min
Stressed out? Need to relax? Disappear into a world of relaxation starting with a one and a half hour Custom Healing Massage with hot packs introduced to one targeted area followed by a Foot Scrub Treatment. End with a soothing Refresh Facial where your face is treated to a cleanse, revitalizing mask, toner, facial massage and moisturizer. You will float out of the office.
Total Tranquility
120 min
Relax and be pampered as you have always wanted to be. Start with a one hour Aromatherapy Healing Massage with hot packs introduced to one targeted area. Then glide into a Paraffin Hand Treatment and Foot Scrub treatment followed by a Facial where you are treated to a warm towel to open the pores, exfoliating scrub, hydrating mask, relaxing facial massage, toner, and facial moisturizer. End in a gentle body rock that soothes the body to total relaxation. You’ll need to phone a friend for a ride home!!