Post Cosmetic Surgery Lymphatic Drainage & Body Contouring

Post Surgery Lymphatic Drainage
Basic points for Post Cosmetic Surgery Lymphatic Drainage
First, post-surgical lymphatic drainage is beneficial for ANY surgery and not just cosmetic. We can assist with all surgery recovery. PCSLD helps to stimulate the lymphatic system, get the body ready for surgery to help with the healing process while reducing post-surgical treatments so you can recover quicker. This IS a gentle manipulation of the skin and NOT the underlying muscles.
After surgery, our bodies are in full trauma response mode, which means inflammation and swelling. Since the body is prone to infection after a serious procedure, we need our lymphatic system functioning at its fullest to help fight infection. This session will assist the body jump start that process. Again, this is a extremely gentle process always working at the tolerance of the client. You can not force the surgical fluid out of the body. The body will absorb and eliminate the fluid naturally. We gently open the entire lymphatic system and gently guide the fluid to areas of the body not affected by the surgery. Allowing the body to take it natural healing action.
Along with inflammation and swelling, PCSLD helps aid healing by increasing circulation, decreasing recovery time, helping the body get rid of excess anesthesia, decreasing scar tissue, and flushing out the by-products from the surgery. This is important because during procedures such as liposuction, fleur de lis, and abdominoplasty, the lymphatic system’s natural pathways are disrupted. Read More
Session Pricing
Single session $90 Package of 6 $519 Package of 10 $779
Breast Massage
Breast massage can be a beneficial part of the healing process when it comes to cancer recovery, reductions, augmentations, mastectomies, and even lactation. It can improve the healing process,
- Prevent / alleviate capsular contracture.
- Breast surgery recovery.
- Mastectomy scar healing.
- Improved lactation. Massage may help prevent and treat issues like engorgement, plugged milk ducts, or mastitis, an infection of the breast tissue.
- Scar tissue softening and flattening.
- Lymphatic drainage.
- Sore muscles. The pectorals are shaped like triangles and rest underneath your breasts. If you develop tension in your back, you may compensate by tensing your chest muscles as well.
Allow on of our female therapist to speak with you for more information.
Body Contouring
Body Contouring Sessions
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Session Pricing
Single session $ Package of 6 $ Package of 10 $